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Advanced Network Threat & Cyber Threat Protection Intelligence Solutions

Get comprehensive, real-time Managed Detection and Response for your network with automated blocking for advanced threats. XO Cyber MDR for Network delivers zero-latency network protection, and neutralizes attacks missed by traditional network security controls.

Complete Network Visibility,
Monitoring, and Threat Hunting

By combining always-on full packet capture (PCAP) with proprietary attack patterns and behavioral analytics, XO Cyber MDR for Network swiftly identifies and blocks network security threats—around the clock. When suspicious activity is recorded, our elite threat hunters and SOC cyber analysts confirm attacker presence, determine the origin, and disrupt malicious traffic to minimize threat actor dwell time.

Finally, once an intrusion is neutralized, we manage post-threat remediation as part of our ongoing 360-degree support of your security apparatus with our cyber security services.

Complete network protection without compromise. XO Cyber MDR for Network.

XO Cyber MDR for Network – Cyber Security Benefits

Our Difference
Your Results
24/7 Monitoring and Visibility
Around-the-clock network traffic monitoring using proprietary deep packet inspection and advanced behavioral analytics.
Automated Threat Blocking
Intuitive deterrence guided by a continually updated IP blocklist of globally monitored and identified malicious threat vectors.
Elite Threat Hunting
Suspicious activity and threat investigation that eliminates malicious connections and prevents disruption to your business.
Dwell Time Minimization
Threat origin determination and remediation support that reduces and eradicates threat actor influence and network attack damage.

How XO Cyber MDR for Network Helps

Working tirelessly to neutralize attacks, XO Cyber for Network detects and responds to today’s most critical network security threats and solutions, including:

Brute Force Attacks

Malicious Connections and Executables

Remote Desktop Protocol

Unauthorized Scanning Across Firewalls

Abnormal Behavior

Drive-by Attacks

Service Exploit Attempts

Remote Access Tools

A Zero-Trust Approach

Leveraging proprietary technology, XO Cyber MDR for Network takes even the slightest hint of suspicious activity seriously—and leaves cyber threat actors nowhere to hide. Straddling your network security perimeter, our platform takes in raw data inputs originating both inside and outside your IT ecosystem. Then we correlate and aggregate the data into one chokepoint to detect and eliminate cyber threats no matter when they happen.

XO Cyber MDR for Network in Action

How does XO Cyber MDR for Network automatically block threats that have bypassed your security controls? Take a look. Our platform protects your online assets against malicious IOCs and IPs using a global IP blacklist that’s updated in real-time by XO Cyber SOC analysts. From the 12,000+ recognized indicators we’ve already got our eyes on to the 400+ threats our team identifies and adds every day, XO Cyber MDR has your network covered.

XO Cyber Managed Detection and Response Security Operations Center

Are you experiencing a cyber security incident or have you been breached? Call us now at 313-312-1550

Get Started with XO Cyber Today

We’re here to help! Submit your information and an XO Cyber representative will contact you to help you build a more responsive security operation.

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